202.864.1630 support@jayabraham.com
Remember – your career is your biggest life investment next to marriage or family. The investment you make – in time, effort, and opportunity cost should yield returns that exceed the other alternatives available, including passive investment or taking a job.

How would you like your efforts to keep working for you? No, you don’t have to keep working harder for it… instead your efforts start to yield income – whether you’re there or not. Most personal service businesses or practices are ordinarily NOT very (or at all) sellable. This Cram Session (and associated systems) means to change all of that…

How? Through nine inter-related elements (consolidated and distillated from two $5,000 courses called “Consulting Mastery” and “How to Build a Power Practice”) – that, when integrated, implemented, and applied continuously – can (and, I believe, WILL) profoundly catapult, accelerate, and sustain the success path, satisfaction, stature, and economic security that should go with whatever you do.