202.864.1630 support@jayabraham.com

Harness The Energy Of The Competition

Aikido School of Marketing, is all about How to win – Using the Energy of the Competition. Jay will walk through how you can create a strategy and leverage your business using the ancient art of Aikido using proven models and templates you can immediately and actionably apply to your business.

If you have limited resources, meaning you don’t have an unlimited business checkbook…you don’t have tens or hundreds of millions to spend on marketing experiments, on resource experiments, on psychology experiments, on selling experiments and you wanna get the benefit of all that expenditure for naught… Then you’re going to love small moves | Aikido School of Marketing

Jay Abraham will show you exactly how to take a negative in your life…in your business…turn it into a postive redirecting that same negative energy into an benecial energy for you and your business. If you believe you have limited resources and you can’t do anything because you don’t have enough marketing money, or you don’t have enough inventory or you don’t have enough advertising capability or technical skills, or online marketing understanding… Jay says, stop. That’s the negative.
Small Moves: Aikido School Marketing teaches you to leverage your competitors energy and use it for your own business. Based on a centuries old martial art practitioners use the force of an opponent against the opponent. This negative power can be used for a positive advantage, this sound abstract – Jay will share you scenarios on how this can apply to your business, which range from advertising and marketing to financial resources and risk reversals.

Shifting your lens or perspective and using it now as a vehicle to give you market data intelligence on what markets want… that they are not getting can give you enormous advantage allowing you to laser in on product service offerings that you may not be making right now, or you may not be combining right now, or you may not be targeting right now. AND IT CAN CHANGE EVERYTHING.

Let’s Get Started!